Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Buried under snow, but still here!

I have been quiet on this front the past week or so, but our days have been full...

This beautiful boy turned six on Monday!

So his birthday celebrations naturally had to include time at a farm, which means time for his mum to snuggle goat babies!

With two more snowstorms this week, we are desperately trying to find spring where we can.

But the snow doesn't interfere with the enjoyment of the outdoors, in fact, it might have made it even better with 6 foot drifts to jump into from the trees!  (And yes, I know my children are standing on twigs, not branches, but luckily they're not heavy enough yet for disaster to ensue...)

The snow also didn't interfere with lots of baby snuggles, especially during bum change time. :)
Forgive the photo quality. Until my beloved has more free time on his hands, I'll be using photos taken with our cell phone, and for those of you that know me, I have shaky hands. But at least it's a glimpse into the beauty of our days!


  1. Such a beautiful family. Can't wait to catch up in person. xo

  2. Your phone takes better photos than my camera, LOL

  3. Thank you, Emily! I can't wait to catch up either. xo

  4. I used to get great photos with the phone, or at least, they were great photos considering I was the photographer. I find though lately that they haven't been as clear, and as I mentioned, I tend to have really shaky hands so I don't always get the focus that I'd like. :)
